Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Saul Bass Outline

1.     Early life
2.     Film title sequences
3.     Selected film title sequences
4.     Logos and other designs
a.     Girl Scouts of America
b.     United Way
c.      Quaker Oats
5.     Movie posters
a.     Vertigo
b.     The man with the golden arm

c.      Anatomy of a murder

1 comment:

  1. Good start but you are missing key elements of an outline. (i.e. Title, Introduction, etc.) so make an appointment with the writing center or research this online. Typically work is in chronological order - he did corp logos first then Hollywood film work. Focus on specific opening movie title(s) i.e. Casino, or whatever. You'll need to address typography and images (visual analysis) same as his print poster / logo work.
