Tuesday, March 24, 2015


My artist for this weeks post James Gulliver Hancock. He is one of the graphic artists from the Wall Street Journal and creates info graphs, illustrations, and typography for the news paper. The image conveys facts and knowledge about the Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin. It does this by giving pictures that grab the viewers attention and then using arrows and type to inform the viewer about the astronaut. The colors used are black, white, grey, and brown. The colors make it easy to balance out the piece and does not give bright colors to distract the viewer from the image and the information in it. The illustrations in the image are almost similar to doodles, with the type and the arrows to give it a feeling that it was drawn in a students note book. James Hancock uses this style in a lot of his images with the doodle cartoons and distinct lettering that makes it easy to read and follow. The artist created this image along with many others for a book about dreamers, artists, thinkers, and writers. I think this is a fun image and a good idea for a book comprised of only the artists work that conveys information; however, as a stand alone image I do not think that it conveys a lot of important information and doesn't even tell the viewer who the astronaut is.


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