Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Will Rogers Memorial

For this assignment I was asked to go to the Will Rogers Museum and take a picture of one of the movie posters that featured Will Rogers and describe it. I chose the movie poster from the movie David Harum. The poster features big capital letters placed across a white banner that sports the title of the movie, and the lead actors name in red letters above it that pop against the contrasting yellow background. The Poster also shows a painted image of Will Rogers for the viewer to know who the lead actor is. Underneath the image are the names of secondary actors that sport a blue color with last names all in capitals while the first names are in smaller italics. Along side the names of the secondary actors is a picture from the film, letting the viewer know what the movie is about.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Public Service Announcement


For this assignment I was asked to chose a public service announcement that appealed to me and discus it. As a child I would always grow up and see my dad with tourist shirts saying this is your brain in Denver and places like that, so it is kinda weird that I have fond memories of this commercial. I love how short and simple the message is. Drugs fry your brain. There is nothing more to say. I love how they literally translated their message into frying an egg. They make the message so blunt that they don't even tell you what the message is, they just ask you if you have anymore questions about drugs and what they do to your brain.