Tuesday, January 20, 2015

For this post I am supposed to wright a response to the Odessa Steps scene from the movie The Battlattleship Potemkin. I thought it was a very interesting piece of footage that made great use of the black and white contrast and I enjoyed the editing tricks used on surrounding statues and objects within the scene.

Monday, January 19, 2015

For this post I've been asked to find images that show the 4 aspects of visual cues. These are color, form, depth, and motion. I also decided to get all of my examples from that Mad Max trilogy directed by George Miller. These films are Mad Max filmed in 1979, Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior filmed in 1981, and Mad Max 3 Beyond Thunderdome filmed in 1985.

This image is the original movie poster for the 1979 film Mad Max. This uses color to make the viewer focus in on the movie title and the police officer.

This is probably the most recognizable image from the Mad Max series and comes from the film Road Warrior. This is an example of form. Notice how Max has a powerful stance that gives the viewer a sense of movement; however, Max has both of his feet placed side by side and is standing in a fixed position.

This is another clip form the move Road Warrior where the biker villain known as Wez begins to climb along the top of a fuel tanker as it drives along the road traveling at an almost insane speed. This is a visual cue not because everything is moving, but there is so much moving in these scenes that your eye is drawn the what is moving the most.

Finally for the visual cue of depth I chose the dying time scene from the 1985 move Beyond Thunderdome. In this movie the cage known as Thunderdome is so big and so empty that the viewer has no choice but to pay full attention to the announcer of the dome. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Optical Illusion

In this optical illusion the elephants legs play a trick on the eyes. If you count them you will notice that the elephant actually has 5 feet and several extra legs. This is caused by the continuos line connecting the feet to the legs and the perception that the feet of the elephant are where they would normally be if the elephant would be standing still.

About Me

My name is Zachary Bettinger. Im in my junior year at Rogers State University and transferred here from Tulsa Community College. I love the art of ancient Greece and Rome especially that of the hellenistic period. I also am extremely fascinated and enjoy studying different styles of tattoo art, mainly realism and american traditional. Other forms of art that interest me are photography, sculpture, an oil paint. I my hobbies involve scuba diving with my family, hunting, and just generally spending time in nature.